Happy Oxygen
This podcast may contain adult language and adult themes. On the other hand, it may not, sort of a Podcast lucky dip. Welcome to the happy oxygen podcast. My name is Simon Nichols, and I am a dog walker. A dog walk for me is just over 25 minutes. I needed a podcast that was perfect for dog walks or anything else you do in 26 minutes. The happy oxygen podcast is here to make you smile, laugh, or feel a bit happier about yourself. Each episode will feature special guests who will be asked why laughter and happiness have helped them on their journey through life and how that drives their positivity. If you are enjoying this podcast and would like to support the Mental health and wellbeing work that we do here at Thrive or you just fancy getting me a cup of coffee. Please do check out our Patreon page. You can get some great Patreon perks too https://www.patreon.com/itstime2thrive
Podcasting since 2021 • 0 episodes